JUSCO STORES<0984> - Results Announcement

Jusco Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited announced on 18/5/2001:
(stock code: 984)
Year end date: 28/2/2001
Currency: HK$                                               (Audited)
                                           (Audited)        Last
                                           Current          Corresponding
                                           Period           Period
                                           from 1/3/2000    from 1/3/1999
                                           to 28/2/2001     to 29/2/2000
                                           ('000)           ('000)
Turnover                                 : 3,394,484        3,277,382
Profit/(Loss) from Operations            : 97,442           52,089
Finance cost                             : (1,213)          (5,898)
Share of Profit/(Loss) of Associates     : -                -
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities            : -                -
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI             : 92,236           32,516
% Change over Last Period                : +183.7%
EPS -Basic                               : 35.48 cents      12.51 cents
    -Diluted                             : -                -
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)          : -                -
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items            : 92,236           32,516
Final Dividend per Share                 : 13 cents         4 cents
(Specify if with other options)          : N/A              N/A
B/C Dates for Final Dividend             : 18/6/2001 to 21/6/2001 bdi.
Payable Date                             : 8/8/2001
B/C Dates for Annual General Meeting     : 18/6/2001 to 21/6/2001 bdi.
Other Distribution for Current Period    : N/A
B/C Dates for Other Distribution         : N/A


Comparative figures

The presentation of the results of the Group for the both years ended 29 
February 2000 and 28 February 2001 have been modified to conform with the 
requirements of Statements of Standard Accounting Practice 1 & 2 